Litigation Delay Results in Case Dismissal
The case of Bokova v. Gertsoyg & Company, 2016 BCSC 2297, concerns a lawyer’s fee review. The case makes for an interesting read for the retainer agreement provisions that govern the lawyer’s withdrawal on the file.
A new ruling affirms the ability to FOIA private email accounts. Source: A federal court may have just added to Clinton’s email woes in a big way – The Washington Post You can’t avoid FOI requests by storing work email in a non-work environment.
2016 BCCA 201 Langford (City) v. dos Reis concerns a failure to abide by a Court of Appeal issued order to remove a building. The refusal to abide by the order resulted in a contempt finding. On intention to breach the order the Court had this to say: [24] It is not controversial that the […]
Source: Supporters of maternity leave rallied on Mother’s Day after new mom fired from Ryerson Students’ Union And it’s 2016 and these types of actions are still up for debate? The law on maternity terminations is relatively settled: it’s not on unless you have a real and substantial business concern underlying the termination. The pregnancy […]