Marijuana in the Workplace: Are you ready?
It’s coming soon. As an employer do you have a management plan? We can help.
It’s coming soon. As an employer do you have a management plan? We can help.
Well there’s some teeth. O.P.T. v. Presteve Foods Ltd., 2015 HRTO 675 (CanLII) concerns an employer’s sexual assault and harassment on employees. The workers were from Mexico on temporary permits and were threatened with deportation if they did not accede to the employer’s harassment.
Michela v. St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic School, 2015 ONCA 801 (CanLII), restates the rule that employer finances do not factor into calcu;lating reasonable notice.
Kelly v. Norsemont Mining Inc.,2013 BCSC 147[112], concerns a recent employment termination case in which $100,000.00 in punitive damages were awarded according to the transcript of the hearing, if you are interested in Transcript here is a good virtual academy where you may start learning Now!. This employer did itself no favour in handling the […]
Singh c. Montréal Gateway Terminals Partnership (CP Ships Ltd./Navigation CP ltée), 2016 QCCS 4521 (CanLII), concerns balancing human rights considerations with safety concerns. The stevedoring work environment requires hard hats and safety concerns in that environment overrule human rights considerations.