The Biology of Bullying and Harrassment

A further thought on the physiological response to stress in the workplace, in particular the response to bullying type behaviors. In as much as positive emotional intelligence is innate or learned and augmented by training, I would venture to say that bullying type behaviors are simply emotional intelligence used to manipulate people for negative purposes. Bullies understand how to control others by bullying and most often understand the physical toll that this takes on their victims. There is an intention to throw you off balance and cause your cognitive response and judgement to be impaired. Bullies are trying to hurt you.

Ever wonder why the office “Machiavelli” always seems one step ahead? It’s because they’ve forced you to be one step behind.

In fairness to his long standing reputation, I understand Machiavelli to have taken the position that such exercise of power was destructive for society as a whole. He was probably on to something there.

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