Electronic Communications Eavesdropping
Check out this Washington Post Article on electronic eavesdropping.
Check out this Washington Post Article on electronic eavesdropping.
I had written about the Sulz decision in an earlier post and which has now been affirmed by the BC Court of Appeal. The decision is significant because it addresses the jurisdictional argument raised by cases such as Vaughan and Pleau and sides with the Pleau line of authority. Madam Justice Levine had this to […]
Kollen v. Vancouver (City), 2006 BCCA 93, deals with the stay of a summary trial decison pending an appeal of the original decisision. The case concerns the forced removal of a large legal non-conforming roof top billboard by the City of Vancouver. In the original proceding arguments were put forth as to the suitability of […]
Ridley Bros. Development Co. Ltd. et al. v. City of Colwood, 2006 BCSC 1141 is an interesting case on cost sharing in relation to the construction of muncipal infrastructure. In this case a sewer system. Here the petitioners had paid the City of Colwood for the construction of a segment of the municipal sewer system. […]
The Canadian Association Of The Deaf, James Roots, Gary Milkowski, Barbara Lagrange and Marie Lou Cassie and Her Majesty The Queen, 2006 FC 971, a recent decision of the Federal Court of Canada deals with deaf and hard of hearing rights in Canada. The case holds that the Federal Government’s failure to provide interpretive sign […]